Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (2024)

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Watch the Water

Good night everyone\nThank you all for your support, prayers and love for Heidi on her upcoming surgery \nTomorrow will be a prayerful day for Heidi, please join us in keeping her in our heart and prayers

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Watch the Water

Notice how many eyes are shown.

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On this site it has information on the leadership for the summits

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Watch the Water

We know how Trump has handled things like immigration and the wall, what are Walsh’s stances?\nAny other interesting information that you see in this article?\n

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Watch the Water listen to what she is saying about them stealing her children as a weapon to keep her under their control .. just like they did to Britney Spears... 🤔

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (19)

Watch the Water

— Attorney General Ashley Moody\nDo some research on these Human Trafficking Summit’s, what interesting things can you find about them…especially this one in Florida coming up in October?\nCheck out this link and tell us what you see👇\n

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Watch the Water

They have a section for consumers. It\'s at the bottom of the site.

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Watch the Water

John Walsh. \nHillary Clinton and Cherie Blair started their sister organization...ICMEC.

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Missing kids dot org

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (39)

Watch the Water

- Callahan Walsh, Adam\'s Brother and Executive Director at NCMEC\nHow did the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children organization get started? \nIs NCMEC still active?\nWho created it?\n

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (41)

Watch the Water

Adam Walsh\nWhat do you see in this pic?\nWhy the white rabbit?\nSymbolism?\nScripted?

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (43)

Watch the Water

Hey everyone this is Jay\nHeidi asked me to do a few posts for her while she is away\nToday is Adam Walsh Remembrance Day\nMore posts to come\n

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (45)

Watch the Water

Good Morning!\nJust wanted to give you a quick hi and let you know what I have been doing!\nI’m taking sometime for me!\nI have had a personal\nHealth issue come up that is unexpected and I am\nSupposed to have emergency surgery tomorrow!\nI’m\nSorry I have not been able to be on here much but I have to take care of me.\nI am staying strong and having faith but I am not going to lie I am a little scared!\nThank you for being here and patient!\nLove y’all!\nHeidi

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Watch the Water

This isn’t just Montauk that did nefarious experiments!!!

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Watch the Water

This was just posted 40 minutes ago…\nWow!

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Watch the Water

Has anyone have any proof of this?\nThank you!

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (59)

Watch the Water

So Biden is putting these judges in place or is this DJT and his plan?\nConstitutional Judges???

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (61)

Watch the Water

Have any of you heard of Selenium?\nYou might want too after hearing this…

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (63)

Watch the Water

Good Morning!

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Watch the Water

This is a perfect example of organ harvesting….

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Watch the Water

Another one goes down in Kentucky!

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Watch the Water

Kansas now with Human Trafficking arrests!!\n💥💥💥

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Watch the Water

Excuse the language but this guy is onto something…

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (73)

Watch the Water

Biden was lost again!\nThey are really pushing the A.I. agenda!\n🤣🤣🤣

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (75)

Watch the Water

I am LITERALLY living this RIGHT NOW. 40 years of researching. Lost my first job March 23, 2020. Fought against covid. No jab, no mask, no test. Was thrown out of hair salon March 28, 2020. Started driving an hour and a half one direction every 3 months to get my hair cut. Only left my home during covid once every couple of weeks, if that. I was driving less than 50 miles a month. Car broke down Nov 21, 2020. Got a job working from home Jan 31, 2021. Got the call God told me about 2 1/2 years earlier to "focus on my family" after I lost fb account. That call came Dec 21, 2022 to take emergency custody of my 2 small grandkids. March 1, 2023 their dad was savagely murdered. March 27, 2023 God told me to quit my job. I have $2.11 in my bank account and $2 cash in my purse and a tiny savings I\'m quickly running through. My rent will go up another $100 more Sept 1 to $1203 month. My laptop is old and slow. I pay for high speed internet but the area I live in is bad so its ridiculously slow. The kids need me. I\'m literally boxed in. The only place I have to go IS GOD! When Trump was getting elected, my marriage was breaking up. When Trump was moving into the White House, I was moving out of our house. When the last push for the awakening was starting, God told me to quit my job. Does anyone but me SEE this? 40 years "researching" (wandering). I\'ve been isolated (imprisoned) almost 3 1/2 years. BIBLICAL. I dont know what God has for me, but I cant help but see this. My faith is HIGHER than it\'s ever been! I have physical issues that limit me to a degree. My daughter wrecked another car 2 weeks ago. The car issues have been ongoing for at least 3 years. I rely on her. Shes struggling with her legal issues and the murder of the kids\' dad. I LITERALLY have only 1 WAY OUT of this.....GOD! AND HE WILL MAKE A WAY!! HE WILL WORK A DESPERATELY NEEDED MIRACLE! I BELIEVE ❤ I keep leading the kids to God and together we are trying to lead my daughter there and hopefully my son and other daughter at some point. I cant tell you the feeling of loneliness I feel. I\'m so cut off, it feels like I step into a different realm when I leave the house. I only leave once or twice a month. That\'s it. Well, it\'s okay! I would much rather it be me going through this than my family or someone else. I\'m tough and I AM getting through this with I AM! IT IS FOR GOD\'S GLORY AND I TELL IT! I WONT HIDE IT BECAUSE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW...GOD IS AWESOME AND WE ALL NEED HIM! ❤🙏❤🙏❤

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Watch the Water


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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (79)

Watch the Water

After a family tragedy, I have struggled with some friendships, I’ve truly changed, and my life is not the same as “before”. This is what I’ve been experiencing and trying to put into words the past 9 months. It’s truly a case of “it’s not you, it’s me”, but that isn’t understood or accepted by those who are displaced . This was said so perfectly. Thank you for sharing, it’s exactly what I needed to see. 🥰

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (81)

Watch the Water

Happy Tuesday!\nWhat a message this man delivered this am!\nHope you all think about what he says and hopefully it can help a few of you!\nIt makes sense!

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (83)

Watch the Water

Good Night!

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (85)

Watch the Water

Here comes FEMA into the Finger Lakes!!\nEveryone grabbed your children…

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Watch the Water


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Watch the Water

Does anyone else feel like their head is on a swivel?

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I wish they would just blow up ft hood!!!

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Watch the Water

St. Charles police arrest 5 in human trafficking ring - CBS Chicago\n

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Watch the Water

Another one in Texas!

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Watch the Water

NEW - ‘Predator’ ex-gynecologist in New York accused of assaulting dozens of women, including the wife of a onetime US presidential candidate, gets 20 years for sex abuse\nREAD:

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Watch the Water

Question!\nIs anyone in your family noticing more now how Human Trafficking is bigger than they thought?

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Telegram Channel «Watch the Water» (@waterwatchtruth) - Telestorm (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.