Slay the Spire will have players starting from scratch regularly, and some players may struggle to get their footing when faced with the same problems. Like any roguelike game, the difficulty is designed in such a way to keep players going at it for quite a while, learning the complexities of the mechanics before eventually being good enough to reach the top.
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There are plenty of advanced tactics that can bring success in Slay the Spire, but they're all meaningless without a fundamental understanding of how to approach the game. New players need these tips to learn how they should be approaching each run, and where their strategies can go from there.
Updated on June 10th, 2023 by Hodey Johns: Whether players are new to the roguelike/roguelite genre in general or just new to this game, every player should get some great tips from this list. Slay the Spire is a unique game, one that doesn't necessarily reward gaming veterans or punish gaming newbies. The first update on this list doubled the number of entries. This latest update adds even more tips that should be helpful for gamers just getting into the game. Personal preference will always play a role with Slay the Spire as talented and lucky gamers can theoretically beat the game with anybody. But there are a few guidelines for players to follow early while they put together a personal style.
13 All About Buffs And Debuffs
Numerically speaking, if players try to deal just raw damage, there is no way they'll be able to take down the massive health bars of bosses with pure damage. To maximize damage, gamers are going to want to look for buffs and debuffs that amplify these damage quantities.
Although some great might for the game might help reduce these health pools, the better solution for the standard game is to find poison, armor reduction, or damage multipliers to help out. Damage is fantastic and no deck should neglect it, but it requires a pairing with buffs or debuffs to shine.
12 Plug Into The Community
Some label Slay the Spire as one of the easiest roguelike games to beat. This is only somewhat true as getting to the unofficial ending can be done after one or two attempts to understand the mechanics. But gamers who want to get the true ending or climb the Ascension ladder will need more than that.
For those who want to be really skilled, get in touch with the community for deck ideas. There are extensive ideas for each class as well as deep analysis regarding card win rates. For players stuck on an elite fight or boss, they're not alone and the solution to their woes has most certainly been covered on various forums. The Reddit community is one of the most positive in all of gaming.
11 Go With The Flow
As much as players want to strategize for a specific kind of deck, sometimes the necessary cards just don't drop. Having a Plan A is fine until gamers refuse to go to Plan B or C. Then the early bosses go from a challenge to unbeatable.
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When getting unlucky, be adaptable. This game has a unique poison system that might be intriguing even if it's not a preferred tactic. Each character has several paths to victory, visualize each of them before deciding on one that is doable based on the cards given in each run.
10 Get To The Heart With Each Character
To truly "beat" the game, players will need to first get to the heart of the spire with the Ironclad, Silent, and Defect first. Until that happens, players should focus on one character, leveling them up until reaching the heart. Then, after getting to the heart, move on to the next.
This only needs to happen one time. Players who hate the Ironclad will have to unlock a few of the best cards for the class, get to the heart once, and then never have to repeat this process.
9 Play Favorites
There aren't any rewards, aside from online bragging, to play with every character regularly. After getting to the heart with the main three adventurers, Players are free to beat the game however they'd like. Playing favorites has more advantages than simple comfort.
If players are loving the Watcher, then there isn't a reason to play another class after getting to the heart with the other classes. Get her best cards through leveling and don't look back.
8 Prepare For The Final Boss
The final boss is not like battling any other boss. While being generally "good" will work for most bosses and elite units, the final boss is truly something else. It takes a long time to get to the final boss, it's a shame to lose just because the player didn't know what to prepare for.
Learn everything there is to know about the Corrupt Heart. Build against the heart immediately, prioritizing cards that are good against it and passing on cards that don't help out as much for that particular fight. When choosing Relics for the Watcher, give preference to ones that make a difference against the Corrupt Heart even if other options seem more appealing.
7 Err On The Side Of Defense
Mathematically, players need to plan on taking less than about 5 hit points (depending on the hero) per fight. That's not per round, that is for an entire battle area. So if there is ever a situation where players have to choose between taking damage or taking out an enemy, go with damage avoidance.
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Gamers have a host of relics they can start with of varying strengths. If a good protective or healing relic shows up, strongly consider taking it. These small hits add up if players don't account for them early. The best relics for the Defect class often can help mitigate these frequent, small damage blows.
6 Find A Way To Exceed Three Energy
No hero is strong enough to win the game with just three energy outside of a massive fluke. Most players prioritize finding a way for each of the heroes to get extra energy somehow. This is not uniform between classes and even different classes will need to change tactics depending on the random cards they find.
The best starting bonuses often help out with energy management. Having more energy isn't just about playing expensive cards, it's also about playing multiple cheaper or free cards. Anything that gives more plays has a value beyond the face of the card.
5 Balance Attack And Defense
Players are highly limited on how many cards they can play in a turn of Slay the Spire, so it's crucial that players have all their needs covered for that turn. Part of the game's mechanics is that the player knows what the enemy is going to do on their turn, and how much it will hurt.
However, this drive to keep themselves completely protected may cause players to be far too cautious and never deal substantial enough damage. Players will rarely have enough resources to do everything they want to, so it's important to make sure they compromise properly and cover themselves both offensively and defensively each turn.
4 Don't Overstuff The Deck
In a game like this, it's easy to just accept everything that gets offered. Plenty of cards seem powerful, and like they could be a boon to the deck, but care must be taken with what goes in. Some players like to keep their deck as trimmed down as possible, but that isn't entirely necessary, and some cards players thought useless might come in clutch.
On the other hand, having too many cards without a clear purpose in the deck will start to make things very messy. With just a few cards drawn each turn, players could get lumped with cards that are completely useless in the given situation, leaving them vulnerable. Players don't have to overanalyze every card in their deck, but they should be clever enough to decline new cards or to get rid of cards when they are becoming a burden.
3 Understand The Strengths Of Each Class
With four characters to choose from in Slay the Spire, it is easy to stick to one and never touch anything else, but that'd be a shame, and waste a lot of potential. Each character has dramatically different play styles, and stumbling upon an excellent strategy is half the fun of deck-building games like this. The best relics for the Ironclad class have a theme and that helps form what the class can and can't excel at doing.
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The Ironclad has great defensive options and focuses on simple striking to win the day. The Silent uses evasion, poison, and trick strikes to take opponents down. She also cycles through their deck quickly. The Defect uses elemental orbs that can be kept for passive buffs, or "Evoking" them for damage. Finally, the late-added Watcher, who has different stances to play with, as well as being able to burn through their deck and generate cards mid-battle.
2 Plan A Route
At the start of an adventure, players will be presented with a map of the first area, and they will have a similar map for each of the next two areas. Looking through this shows players what can be encountered in each space, and it is important to always be thinking a few steps ahead in this regard. The Silent class has some key shop and event Relics but if players never plan to visit such places, then they'll have to go without.
It may not matter too much at the start, but as needs and desires evolve and change throughout a run, it is important to be looking ahead on the map, and head in a direction that will suit those needs. If a player needs powerful cards, treasure or a merchant is the way to go. If healing is in order, seek a rest spot. Then, if the player is feeling strong and ready for a fight, perhaps head towards an Elite enemy, instead of playing it safe.
1 Pick Cheap Cards Early, Expensive Cards Later
What can be done in a turn of Slay the Spire combat is entirely determined by the player's energy capacity. This starts quite limited but usually grows as the game progresses, as the player will have multiple opportunities to increase it in this expansive adventure. This means that, early on, players may be presented with high-cost cards, and be tempted to take them for later.
While this is a good idea on paper, it can drastically backfire. If an expensive card is in the deck too early, then it is useless until the player's capabilities grow. There will be more opportunities to get powerful cards later in the run, so early on players should focus on gaining cards that will be useful immediately. Later on, when things are looking better, then picking the more expensive and powerful cards is the way to go, and it will give a much clearer sense of progression.
Slay the Spire is available now for Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
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